REHOBOTH BEACH, Del., Sept. 22, 2023 -- Securing trustworthy business partners in international trade has always been a challenging task, requiring years of meticulous and painstaking groundwork, careful analysis, and the courage to deal with uncertainty. This article explores how cutting-edge AI tools, such as Volza, have been innovatively tackling these persistent challenges.

Volza helps you plan business growth with easy, simple and quick dashboards to discover actual buyers, supplier, monitor competition, prices, quantity based on actual shipment records from global bills of lading of 209 countries.

Evaluating potential partners from their online presence has been a formidable hurdle. There are no foolproof methods to ensure the competency and reliability of these entities based solely on their digital footprint. Conducting in-person visits, although insightful, is both time-consuming and costly. Moreover, transactions with unfamiliar buyers could result in bad debts, while dealings with unknown suppliers might yield subpar products or even lead to a total loss of the advance payment.

These hurdles are particularly daunting for professionals in the export-import industry aiming to broaden their global trade reach. In response, an AI-Powered tool like Volza allows professionals to strategically use the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to navigate these challenges and make informed decisions. Volza provides an extensive global trade database, including complete shipment details through bills of lading. This tool arms users with essential information about active exporters and importers, capturing years of their export-import experience, current buyers and suppliers, transaction frequency, ongoing orders, shipment volumes, pricing, consignment numbers, and an exhaustive trade history. With this wealth of data, users can confidently assess and choose suitable business partners.

Vijay Sethia, Director of Chamanlal Sethia, one of India's foremost rice exporters, testifies to the transformative impact of these tools. According to Sethia, the introduction of trade data portals has empowered them to dramatically expand their business operations. Gone are the days of protracted struggles, with years spent on marketing, traveling, and product sampling. Today, importers and exporters can swiftly map out their market, efficiently identifying trustworthy and reliable business partners in just a matter of hours.

While other trade databases like Panjiva and ImportGenius offer similar services, they seem to cover fewer countries. A glance at the Volza website shows that it provides trade data for more than 80 countries, while Panjiva and ImportGenius support a trade base across 10 and 14 countries, respectively.

Michael Robinson, Director of Volza, emphasizes their mission to expedite the entire process of identifying suitable business partners. "We aim to make it quicker, more cost-effective, and feasible. Users can bypass years of relentless effort, elevating their businesses to new heights with confidence, and in a fraction of the traditional timeframe," he explains.

Platforms like Volza also overcome the obstacle of procuring direct contact details for key decision-makers. Whether it's the export head, import head, or other relevant stakeholders, Volza's built-in function provides access to their contact information and even links to their LinkedIn profiles.

In conclusion, AI's integration into international trade is ushering in a transformative era. Platforms like Volza are making the identification and evaluation of business partners more efficient and reliable. By offering extensive trade data and essential contact information, these platforms are setting new benchmarks in the sector. It's clear that AI-powered trade data tools are more than clever business strategies; they are now a prerequisite for success in the globalized marketplace. As AI and Big Data technologies continue to evolve, their impact on facilitating international trade will only expand, heralding a future where global business expansion is seamless and confident.

About Volza:

Founded in 2017, Volza is dedicated to propelling global business expansion for export-import companies. Harnessing advanced analytics and dashboard tools, Volza unveils hidden opportunities and threats, empowering import-export businesses to thrive in today's competitive market. As an industry disruptor, Volza offers access to comprehensive global trade data, facilitating confident decision-making. Discover more at

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