Dive into an exclusive interview with Manpreet Singh, CTO of Nanoprecise Sci Corp, as he unveils the revolutionary MachineDoctor™ LUX sensor and its role in reshaping predictive maintenance for sustainable industrial operations.


Can you briefly introduce yourself and your role at Nanoprecise?

I’m Manpreet Singh, Chief Technology Officer of Nanoprecise Sci Corp. My role primarily involves overseeing the technical aspects of our company's operations, including the development and implementation of our AI-based predictive maintenance solutions. I'm passionate about harnessing the power of technology, particularly AI and IIoT, to transform the way industries manage their assets and achieve sustainability goals. At Nanoprecise, we focus on providing cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to monitor and maintain their industrial equipment efficiently and sustainably.


What valuable previous work experience do you bring to the team?

I bring a wealth of experience to the team as an experienced business leader with a strong track record in both initiating and scaling up ventures. My career has spanned various technology domains, where I've taken the helm in leading businesses, while building and managing teams dedicated to product development, technology, and operations. I have a profound interest in technology, driving my passion for innovation. In addition to my technical expertise, I've also cultivated strong leadership and project management skills, which have proven essential in overseeing complex projects and driving them to successful completion. Overall, my previous work experience equips me with a deep understanding of the industry's needs and challenges, which I'm excited to leverage in my role as CTO at Nanoprecise to continue driving innovation and sustainability in predictive maintenance solutions.


Can you explain the significance of the recently launched Light Energy Harvesting Hardware in the context of predictive maintenance, and how it sets Nanoprecise apart from other solutions?

The launch of MachineDoctorTM LUX sensor, is a significant milestone for Nanoprecise and the field of predictive maintenance. This innovation holds great significance for several reasons. Firstly, MachineDoctorTM LUX is designed to harness energy from ambient light sources, making it highly energy-efficient. This eliminates the need for traditional battery replacements, reducing operational costs, and minimizing environmental impact. It aligns perfectly with the growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency in industries. Its self-sustaining capabilities ensure uninterrupted data collection without relying on disposable batteries, making it an environmentally responsible choice. Moreover, by combining light energy harvesting with a long-life Lithium-Ion battery, MachineDoctor LUX ensures continuous data collection even in low-light conditions. This reliability is crucial for maintaining uninterrupted monitoring of industrial assets. In addition, we are pursuing Zone 0 compliance for MachineDoctor LUX, which will make it suitable for use even in hazardous/explosive atmospheres. This sets it apart as a solution capable of operating in dangerous environments, thereby ensuring safe operations. It also comes with cellular connectivity via e-SIM which when combined with its non-intrusive installation process, makes it a versatile and suitable for various applications. It can be seamlessly integrated into both indoor and outdoor industrial environments. This state-of-the-art wireless sensor is a testament to our dedication to innovation and sustainability. It is a game-changer in the field of predictive maintenance, offering an eco-friendly, reliable, and versatile solution that empowers industries to achieve their operational and sustainability goals.


How does MachineDoctor™ LUX harness ambient light sources to power itself, and what benefits does this bring to industrial monitoring and maintenance?

The sensor is equipped with self-contained solar panels that capture and convert ambient light, including both natural and artificial sources, into electrical energy. These solar panels are strategically placed on the sensor to maximize light absorption. The captured light energy is converted into electrical power, which is then stored in a Lithium-Ion battery. This combination of light energy harvesting and battery storage ensures that the sensor has a continuous and reliable source of power. Thanks to this dual power system, MachineDoctor™ LUX becomes self-sustainable. It can operate without the need for frequent battery replacements or external power sources. This not only reduces operational costs but also minimizes disruptions due to maintenance activities, which is particularly advantageous for large-scale industrial operations. Harnessing ambient light sources reduces the environmental impact associated with battery production, disposal, and the associated carbon footprint. Its ability to function in low-light conditions ensures that it remains reliable regardless of the surroundings enabling it to be deployed in both indoor and outdoor environments. Its ability to harness ambient light for power not only makes it cost-effective and environmentally responsible but also ensures uninterrupted data collection for predictive maintenance. It represents a significant leap forward in the field of industrial monitoring and maintenance technology.


How does the use of Light Energy Harvesting align with Nanoprecise's commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of manufacturing plants? Does MachineDoctor™ LUX contribute to optimizing energy consumption in industrial facilities?

MachineDoctor LUX monitors 6 critical parameters of industrial assets such as Acoustic emissions, Vibration, Temperature, Humidity, RPM and Magnetic Flux in real-time, which enables manufacturers to promptly identify inefficiencies and faults in their machinery. This, in turn, helps in minimizing energy waste associated with equipment defects or suboptimal operations. Moreover, this innovative technology is designed to harness ambient light sources, eliminating the need for conventional battery-powered sensors. This not only reduces the environmental impact associated with the production and disposal of batteries but also ensures continuous data collection, even in low-light conditions, without energy-intensive replacements. MachineDoctor™ LUX is part of our holistic approach that focusses on Energy Centred Maintenance. It enables manufacturers & operators to place energy consumption and efficiency at the forefront of maintenance strategies, thereby enhancing operational efficiency, reducing energy costs, and minimizing environmental impact, to deliver sustainable value.


What are some common challenges that industries face when adopting predictive maintenance solutions, and how does Nanoprecise help them overcome these hurdles?

Adopting predictive maintenance solutions can be transformative, but it's not without its challenges. We at Nanoprecise simplify this process with the help of our wireless IoT sensor and a user-friendly dashboard. Being a cellular sensor, it doesn't need any networking devices and can communicate seamlessly with our cloud platform.  Integrating predictive maintenance systems into existing infrastructure can be complex and disruptive. It often involves connecting various industrial systems and sensors. The dashboard easily integrates with various industrial systems, ensuring a smooth transition without major disruptions. Workforce upskilling is another common challenge, as employees may need training to effectively utilize predictive maintenance tools. Nanoprecise recognizes this and provides training and support to help the workforce adapt to the new technology, ensuring they can make the most of the predictive maintenance system. A lot of clients want to get a good return on investment (ROI) for predictive maintenance solutions. Our clients are able to realize significant ROI because of massive reduction in unplanned downtime and our energy analytics also allow our client to take timely action to reduce their electricity footprint. This tangible improvement in operational efficiency helps our customers see the value of our solutions.


What do you envision for the future of predictive maintenance and energy efficiency monitoring, and how is Nanoprecise positioned to lead in this space?

The future of predictive maintenance and energy efficiency monitoring holds immense promise. We envision a landscape where these technologies are not just tools but integral components of industrial operations. At Nanoprecise, we are determined to be at the forefront of this transformative journey. In the coming era, real-time insights will become the norm. Nanoprecise will pioneer this shift by delivering immediate actionable insights to our customers, enabling them to promptly make well-informed decisions. As we advance into the realm of more sophisticated AI and machine learning algorithms, Nanoprecise is committed to continuous research and development to stay ahead of the curve. Our AI capabilities will continually refine, offering increasingly precise predictions and prescriptions for optimized asset maintenance. Furthermore, we recognize the growing importance of edge computing. We're investing in bringing more intelligence to the edge. This means AI on the edge will be able to detect anomalies and faults, triggering notifications as well. By enhancing edge intelligence, we aim to provide even quicker responses to critical situations, ensuring minimal disruptions and improved reliability. Our vision extends to democratizing these technologies, making them accessible to every plant with rotary equipment including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We are actively working on user-friendly solutions that cater to a wide range of industries, making predictive maintenance and energy efficiency monitoring attainable for all. As the world moves towards sustainability, energy efficiency monitoring will play a pivotal role. Nanoprecise will continue to develop solutions that enable industries to reduce their carbon footprint by optimizing energy consumption. We envision Nanoprecise expanding its footprint globally, collaborating closely with industries across diverse regions to elevate operational efficiency, minimize downtime, and champion environmental sustainability.


How does predictive maintenance contribute to sustainability goals, and what role does Nanoprecise play in this context?

Predictive maintenance is our sustainability ally. It ensures efficient resource utilization, saving energy, reducing downtime, and extending machine life. At Nanoprecise, we empower companies to achieve sustainability goals through real-time data insights, eco-friendly practices, and a reduced carbon footprint. We're all about making industries smarter and greener. It starts with smart resource management, ensuring that industries use their assets efficiently by predicting the right time for maintenance, thus saving time, spare parts, and energy. This process also leads to significant energy savings because predictive maintenance identifies and addresses issues early, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Furthermore, it minimizes downtime, ensuring uninterrupted operations, which is not only convenient but also environmentally friendly by reducing energy waste during machine start-up and shutdown. Additionally, it extends the lifespan of machines, reducing the need for replacements and aligning with eco-friendly practices. Overall, our predictive maintenance solutions with its real-time monitoring and insights, promotes sustainability by optimizing resource usage, conserving energy, and making equipment last longer. It's our way of helping industries adopt greener and more responsible operational practices.